Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Happy Birfsday Jimmy!

Today is owr baby bwudder Jimmy's furst birfsday! We git to watch him pway wife Mommy and Daddy and we will pway wife him too. On Saturday, we will hav a birfsday party for our Jimmy, so wots uv peepul can be here to tell Jimmy dey wuv him wike we do!

Our Jimmy is da bestest baby in town. We wuv you Jimmy!
Snoopy and Smoke

We need to have bwekfust so we can hav wots uf ennergy to pway wif our Jimmy!

Our baby bwudder wikes to cwimb!


How to watch all the different videos on Pup-o-vision

Next to the play arrow, there's a button with 3 little squares on it. Click that once or twice and it'll bring up thumbnails of all the movies. Click on the one you want to watch and it'll start. It may play the next one automatically, or you may have to click the little box to bring the thumbnails back up.

Now with the addition of more videos, they don't all come up when you open up the thumbnails. To get the other ones to come up, click the little arrow just to the right of the first row of thumbnails and you will see the others.

I hope you like 'em